Tag Archives: Virginia Woolf


Through movement, music and the spoken word, Curved Spacetimes: Where Friedrich Nietzsche Meets Virginia Woolf aims to make public the private experience of the flow of time and to make visible the invisible nature of time itself. Let Zarathustra and Mrs. Dalloway guide you through the eternal return while you contemplate whether to live your life all over again. Come experience past, present, future, time reversal and general relativity in action, as dancers’ bodies tell spacetime how to curve and curved spacetime tells dancers’ bodies how to move.

A Logos Dance Collective production

September 21-22, 8PM at the Green Space Theater
Choreography: Theresa Duhon, Patra Jongjitirat, Gregory Kollarus, Barbara Montero
Music: Selections from Bach’s Cello Suites, performed live by Ivan Luza
Text: Excerpts from Thus Spoke Zarathustra, The Gay Science, Mrs. Dalloway and The Diary of Virginia Woolf, compiled and adapted by Patra Jongjitirat and Barbara Montero
Spoken Word: Nick Pappas as Nietzsche and Maxine Flasher-Duzgunes as Virginia Woolf

TICKETS: Advance $15, at the door $20
TO PURCHASE: https://www.greenspacestudio.org/september-1

 Photo by Allison Armfield